Born in Glenview, Illinois, Joan Marie Ransohoff moved to Los Angeles in 1980. Pursuing a love of color led her to UCLA where she studied drawing, then on to the Art Studio in Santa Monica. Later she took numerous workshops from Scottsdale Artists' School in Arizona and more recently studied with Karl Dempwolf and Ralph Oberg through the California Art Academy and Museum Master Artist Workshops.

Living in California and inspired by the many artists she has witnessed painting the beaches and mountains, Ransohoff knew she wanted to try plein air paintings. Balancing the elements of "nature, wind, and bugs" is always challenging and still magical to her. And it is this feeling that she seeks to discover in her work.Her work has been exhibited in both solo and group shows and is included in many private collections.

Joan Marie Ransohoff is an Artist Member of the California Art Club and serves on the Board of Directors of the California Art Academy and Museum.

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